Below are some Frequency Analysis pictures from a device that a friend of mine, Eric Howard at designed. The Dell 1908 Monitor set at 75Hz refresh rate in Windows XP works well for me. The Dell 2007FP, usually causes headaches in me and discomfort in some of my fellow employees.
The titles of the pics have this format:
<Quality for me> - <date taken> - "FrequencyAnalysis" - <Company><Model> - <Owner>|<Hz setting>. "left" and "right" refer to my dual monitors.
Good - 2008-04-22-FrequencyAnalysis-Dell1908FP-Mitch.jpg
Bad? - 2008-04-22-FrequencyAnalysis-Dell2007FP-Frank.jpg
Bad - 2008-04-22-FrequencyAnalysis-Dell2007FP-Liz.jpg
? - 2008-04-24-Dell1908FP-60Hz-Left.jpg
? - 2008-04-24-Dell1908FP-60Hz-Right.jpg
Good - 2008-04-24-Dell1908FP-75Hz-Right.jpg
Good - 2008-04-24-Dell1908FP-75Hz-Left.jpg
Good - 2008-04-24-IncandescentLight.jpg
Good - 2008-04-24-Ipod-30gigVideo.jpg
Bad - 2008-04-24-TMobileMDA.jpg
Bad - 2008-04-24-ViewSonic.jpg