The Coin Stacking Picture of the Week
Blake Kurta from Charlotte, NC U.S.A. sent this photo. Description: This was my first build and it is awesome. I thought that it would fall but it held it's ground.

Sven Krüger from Rostock, Deutschland sent this photo on 9 February 2020.
Description: I just found this website and it inspired me to build this small church with 1,2 and 5ct Eurocoins. The most difficult part was the roof, which rests on just 4 pillars. Its possible, to look from one end of the church to the middle of the tower.

Submit your amazing coin stacking pictures.
Note: All stacks of coins were done without any glue. Only the weight of the coins provides the support. Enjoy the pictures. Coin Stacking is a fun hobby for kids, college students and adults.