Timeline of Geologic History
("mya" is Million Years Ago; "bya" is Billion Years Ago)
Eon | Era | Period | Epoch | Events / Appearance of Plants and Animals | |
Phanerozoic Eon (Visible Life) 540 mya - now |
Cenozoic Era (Recent Life) 65 - now mya Age of Mammals |
Quaternary 2.6 mya - now Age of Man |
Holocene 11,000 years ago to today |
Human Activity | |
Pleistocene 1.8 mya to 11,000 years ago |
The last Ice Age | ||||
Tertiary 65 to 1.8 mya - 1.8 mya |
Neogene 23-2.6 mya |
Pliocene 5-2.6 mya |
Australopithecines | ||
Miocene 23-5 mya |
Horses, dogs, modern birds | ||||
Paleogene 66 - 23 mya |
Oligocene 34-23 mya |
Pigs, deer, cats | |||
Eocene 58-34 mya |
More mammals, first rodents | ||||
Paleocene 66-58 mya |
Big mammals | ||||
Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. An astroid wipes out 75% or more of all species, including all non-avian dinosaurs. | |||||
Mesozoic Era (Middle Life) 248-65 mya Age of Reptiles |
Cretaceous 146-65 mya |
Late 98-66 mya |
Primitive marsupials, ends with huge K-T extinction of dinosaurs | ||
Early 145-98 mya |
Snakes, ants, bees. Dinosaurs are ruling the earth. | ||||
Jurassic 201-145 mya |
Giant plant eating Sauropods. Flowering plants bloom. Pangaea starts to break up about 180 mya, creating the Atlantic ocean. | ||||
Triassic 252-201 mya |
The rise of the dinosaurs, first mammals, many turtle-like reptiles. Ends with extinction of 35% of all animals families including most marine reptiles. | ||||
Permian-Triassic extinction event, "the Great Dying". 81% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species vanish. | |||||
Paleozoic Era (Ancient Life) 540-248 mya |
Permian 299-252 mya Age of Amphibians |
One supercontinent is formed named Pangaea. Phytoplankton and plants pollute the air with oxygen. Ends with mass extinction - 50% of animal families, 95% of marine species. | |||
Carboniferous 359-299 mya coal swamps, corals, Amphibians more numerous |
Pennsylvanian 323-299 mya |
First reptiles. | |||
Mississippian 359-323 mya |
First winged insects. | ||||
Devonian 419-359 mya Age of Fishes |
First amphibians, sharks, bony fish, grasshoppers, cockroaches, mantids. | ||||
Silurian 444-419 mya |
First jawed fish. First vascular plants. | ||||
Ordovician 485-444 mya |
First primitive land plants, corals, primitive fish, fungi, kelp, seaweed. | ||||
Cambrian 541-485 mya Age of Trilobites |
Cambrian explosion of life. First vertebrates, Trilobites, starfish, urchins, marine animals with mineralized shells. Supercontinent of Rodinia starts to break apart. Mass extinction of 50% of animal families around 488 mya. | ||||
Proterozoic Eon (Earlier Life) 2.5 bya - 541 mya |
Vendian/Ediacaran 600-640 mya |
First multi-celled animals. Continents merge into first supercontinent, Rodinia. Mass extinction. | |||
Archeozoic Eon (Beginning Life) 3.9-2.5 bya |
First single celled life, blue-green algae and bacteria live in the sea. | ||||
Hadean Eon (Hellish) 4.6 - 3.9 bya |
Earth is forming, very hot, no life. |
Extinctions Intensities. The vertical axis is the percentage of species lost to extinctions, the horizontal axis is time. Notice time periods often start after massive extinctions.

For more detail see Stratigraphy.org/timescale.
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