Funny Farm
by Tom Arma (Photographer) Our little one loved the pictures of the babies dressed as animals.
But Not the Hippopotamus
by Sandra Boynton
The Lady With the Alligator Purse
by Nadine Bernard Westcott
The Rhyme Bible
by Toni Goffe (Illustrator), Linda J. Sattgast
This is a compilation of biblical stories written in rhyming verse--great for little ones! Very fun for kids and parents and quite accurate to the biblical accounts. The rhythm of the stories make it easy for kids to remember and "read" along.
by Denise Fleming. A great book on numbers. We had hand signs for each of the animals.
"Wibbly Pig can Dance"
by Mick Inkpen. No longer in print, but a great book for toddlers.
"Wibbly Pig opens his presents"
by Mick Inkpen. No longer in print, but a great book for toddlers.
When We Go Shopping
by Nick Butterworth. A really nice series of books.
Barnyard Dance!
by Sandra Boynton. A great action story.
You Are Special
by Max Lucado This is a tale about the Wemmicks, a village of wooden dolls, and their Maker. The main theme is about how our view of ourselves should be determined by our Maker, not by the opinions of others. Really wonderful illustrations!