Coin Stacks from Around the World
- Picture from Phally from London, Ontario Canada.
"Stacking pennies instead of studying for exams!"
- From Cat Cassie:
Took me four hours to do this one, wasn't finished yet, but my cat knocked it down.
- From Jakub Wloch from Poland with 1 and 2 UK pence coins:
- Seth Nelson from Kingsport, TN
- Elizabeth, Illinois USA
Elizabeth is nine and she made this amazing stack while looking for the 50 state quarters for her friend.
Eric from Vidalia-Georgia USA - finished
Submit your amazing coin stacking pictures.
Note: All stacks of coins were done without any glue. Only the weight of the coins provides the support. Enjoy the pictures. Coin Stacking is a fun hobby for kids, college students and adults.