Coin Stacks from Around the World
Daniel Piotrowski from Marshfield, WI United States sent this photo on 13 February 2017. Description: Only had like $100 worth of coins, so I did what I could.

Robin Willson from London, UK sent this photo. Description: Congratulations on your stimulating pages. Thought you and your readers might like to see the following press cutting from an Argentinian newspaper in December 2000. There is a translation and pictures at: Have you ever balanced 4 coins on a wine glass, vertically on their rims? Best Robin

Bryton Jones from Oldenburg, Indiana United States sent this photo. Description: I ended up doing this when I was bored and saw my jar full of pennies so I took the lid off and started to stack the coins on the lip of the jar with no lid on it.

Brian R from , BC Canada sent this photo on 7 September 2016. Description: This took about 4 hours and 4500 pennies

houcine si fraj from gabes, gabes tunisia sent this photo on 19 November 2014. Description: free imagination

Bi Nguyen from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam sent this photo on 26 November 2013.
Description: My signature comes out from coins (Vietnam Dong)

Bi Nguyen from Ho Chi Minh , Vietnam sent these great photos on 30 October 2013.
Description: yay, my new job this week! :

Bi Nguyen from Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh Vietnam sent this photo on 16 October 2013.
Description: i placed coins under the surface of my table :)

venkatesh neelath from chennai, Tamil Nadu india sent this photo on 18 December 2014. Description: malasian twin tower made of 15833 indian one rupee coin

Vighnesh Pradhan from Bengaluru, Karnataka India sent this photo on 15 January 2015. Description: One coin and a tower.

James Martin from United Kingdom sent this photo on 19 November 2011.
Description: Vertical coin on a vertical coin
"g az" from Israel sent this photo.
Description: the difference between "alpha helix" and "beta sheet" coins stacking style

Duke Canell from San Juan Capist, California USA sent this photo on 13 September 2011.
Description: The next moon lander

taiStar valiant from tucson, az usa age sent this photo on 7 September 2011.
Description: a stack of ten pennies on a vertical nickel on a penny laying flat. once again the stack of over 1000 coins with 1 dime base in the background

TaiStar Valiant from tucson, az usa sent this photo on 6 September 2011.
Description: as far as i know, the most coins ever balanced on a single dime. what im trying to do is build the widest stack on one coin. i am limited only by my amount of coins, so far. this one here is over 1000 coins. it is solid half way up then a ring wall that splits into two then three concentric walls. mostly american change but there might be a canadian penny in there and there is one peso i threw in the well of coins.

David John from cranberry twp, Pennsylvania United States sent this photo on 9 August 2011.
Description: i saw this website so i wanted to experiment. this is the second thing i did. first was a small thing with what pennies were around the house

Tommy Cardinal from Sarasota, Florida United Stated sent this photo on 2 August 2011.
Description: First time.

Mel and Franz X from Windhoek, Khomas Namibia sent these photos on 19 July 2011.
Description: Empire state

Allan Dettweiler from Cambridge, Ontario Canada age sent this photo on 25 May 2011.
Description: Toonie Tower. Built with "Toonies" - the 2 dollar coin from Canada. This was a fund raiser at the Mennonite Relief Sale held each year in New Hamburg, Ontario on the last Saturday in May.

Chris from WA Australia sent this photo on 9 May 2011.
Description: 2500 20 cent pieces, $500 worth. Took several days.

Kay Stone from Avon Lake, Ohio USA age 18+ sent this photo on 23 December 2010.
Description: Inspired by the stacks on your site, I decided to try something myself. I did not have much luck with the bridging, but I was intrigued by the spirals. I did this on a turntable with a metal cylinder in the middle to keep the coins aligned All US and Canadian quarters - about 2,500 of them!

sachin SANGALAD from bangalore, karnatak india sent this photo on 3 November 2010.
Description: stunning structures

Enid Bala from Tirane, Albania sent this photo on 10 October 2010.
Description: About 1000 Albanian coins (5 lek).

Anthony from Rhode Island united states sent this photo on 6 July 2010.
Description: Just went crazy with all coins

Raymond Penuelas from Westmorland, California USA sent this photo on 4 July 2010.
Description: My first attempt and penny stacking, after about 15 minutes of browsing through this site I decided to build my own. I call it "Window"

Charles Timm from Minneapolis, MN United States sent this photo on 13 June 2010.
Description: Started stacking pennies at work, then saw the site about a year ago. Finally getting around to uploading a few of the sculptures I've made. First one is a neat looking wall. The second is something I call "stairs". The third is a spiral. Hard to make, this was the third or forth one I made that stayed up long enough for me to get a picture.

Adam Jones from Atlanta, GA USA sent this photo on 9 April 2010.
Description: Just started stacking poker chips and made this guy but ran out. Looks like I'm going to need another set.

aakash doshi from Dubai, U.A.E age 16 sent this photo on 5 April 2010.
Description: I ran out of money :( btw its all standing on one coin :D

Madison Hicks from loveland, Colorado age 11 sent this photo on 9 January 2010.

viral jethwa from mumbai, maharashtra india sent this photo on 27 December 2009.
Description: it took ten days to complete. This is my world record of stacking 5000(five thousands) coins on a single coloumn of nine coins and the weight of this whole structure is approximately 25 kgs

Luciano Pimentel from Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Brazil sent this photo on 7 November 2009.
Description: my favorites

Caroline P from California United States age 11 sent this photo on 9 November 2009.
Description: We had jars of pennies from cleaning up the house, and I was looking in a book and it told how to build a penny bridge. I took that and made the EIFFEL PENNY TOWER!

Preston H from Florence, MS USA sent this photo on 12 May 2009.

Jeremy Harvey from Everett, Washington USA sent this photo on 4 September 2009.
Description: I sent in a couple of my poker chip sculptures awhile back and decided to share a few more. I do these while playing poker to help avoid playing too many hands :) I hope you like them.

Brian beba from lakewood, ohio usa sent this photo on 17 September 2009.

Chris Westerik from Geraldton, WA Australia age 17 sent this photo on 4 July 2009.
Description: I was bored and had a shoe box full of change.

Hi my name is Jeremy Harvey and I live in Everett Washington. I came across your website showing coin stacking and a few pics of poker chip stacking and wanted to contribute if you'd let me. I have tried looking online in the past and couldn't find anything similar to what I like doing while playing poker until I saw your site. I've included a few of my pics of my structures for you to see and if you want to add them to your website I would love to share them and more. Please let me know if you want more pics of different designs and structures. Thank you for any consideration.

Submit your amazing coin stacking pictures.
Note: All stacks of coins were done without any glue. Only the weight of the coins provides the support. Enjoy the pictures. Coin Stacking is a fun hobby for kids, college students and adults.