- Some of the John W. Wallace Family 1909-1910
Children of John Watson Wallace (1871-) and Maggie Florence Casady (1874-)
John Doyle Wallace, Top Right (1898-), Zelda Lurline Wallace, Left (1901-), Clayton Lavon Wallace, baby (1909) Alva Dayle Wallace, Bottom Right (1908), Nannie Helene Hunter Fincher age 16 in 1896 at Ft. Worth TX
Pickens Steele Fincher and Nannie Helene Fincher, 19??
Michael Fincher holding sister, Sharon Fincher at home of parents, Melbourne and Louise Fincher, Fort Stockton, 1945?.
- Adele Fincher in family car, 19??
- The P.S. Fincher Family (1912)
Orwyn Hunter "Mike" Fincher, Nanette Hunter Fincher, Winona, Annie Adele Fincher , Pickens Steele Fincher, Theron Pickens Fincher, Melbourne Elijah Fincher
- Theron Pickens Fincher (1930?)
Theron and Melborn on football team in Albany in 1921. Notice Melborn has a helmet, but Theron does not.
1924 Boogsburg School, Shackleford County TX. Lurline Wallace Fincher is three-quarters of the way from the left, second row from the top, in a white dress with her hair parted on the left and brushed over her forehead to the right. (source: RummagingInTheAttic")
Ruth Elmira Steele Fincher (1815-1877)
Septima Anderson Fincher (1846-1900)
Elijah Fincher (1845-1891)
Some photos from Barbara Kelly's collection
May 3, 1952, in Weatherford-From left, back row, O.H. (Mike) Fincher, Jack Daniel, Tom Rothrock, E. P. (Pick) Rothrock, Randall Fincher, Jack Frierson, Adele Fincher Tucker, Martha Anne Rothrock Frierson; second row, Lorene Rothrock, Oleta Rothrock, Annie Fincher Daniel, Mattie Fincher, Nannie Hunter Fincher, Pickens Steele Fincher, Rev. Barksdale Fincher, Rob Fincher; front row, Tommy Rothrock, David Rothrock, Jimmy Rothrock, Hoyte Rothrock, Mildred Daniel, Myrl Fincher (daughter of Uncle Rob and Aunt Mattie), Pauline Rothrock, Rosalie Daniel,Rose Fincher Rothrock. (Picture taken at home of Barksdale, Lorene and David Rothrock, Route 4, Weatherford, Texas, the day of Barksdale's funeral.)
May 3, 1952, in Weatherford-From left, back row, O.H. (Mike) Fincher, Jack Daniel, Tom Rothrock, E. P. (Pick) Rothrock, Randall Hunter Fincher, Rev. Charles Tucker, Adele Fincher Tucker, Martha Anne Rothrock Frierson; second row, Lorene Rothrock, Oleta Rothrock, Annie Fincher Daniel, Mattie Fincher, Nannie Hunter Fincher, Pickens Steele Fincher, Rev. Barksdale Fincher, Rob Fincher; front row, Tommy Rothrock, David Rothrock, Jimmy Rothrock, Hoyte Rothrock, Mildred Daniel, Myrl Fincher (daughter of Uncle Rob and Aunt Mattie), Pauline Rothrock, Rosalie Daniel,Rose Fincher Rothrock. (Picture taken at home of Barksdale, Lorene and David Rothrock, Route 4, Weatherford, Texas, the day of Barksdale's funeral.)
May 3, 1952, in Weatherford-From left, Rob Fincher of Waxachie, Rev. Barksdale Fincher of Amarillo, Pickens Steele Fincher of Albany, Annie Fincher Daniel of Holland and Rose Fincher Rothrock of Weatherford.
1950 at Albany Homeplace-From left, back row, Adele Fincher Tucker, Rev. Charles Tucker, Theron P. Fincher, Rev. Russell Holmes Showalter, Charles F. Tucker, Ernest Dayle (Buddy) Fincher, Temple L. Tucker, Bob Craig, O.H. (Mike) Fincher; Middle row, Nannie Helene Hunter Fincher, Pickens Steele Fincher, Randall Fincher, Lurline Wallace Fincher, Winona Fincher Showalter, Dorothy Tucker, Barbara Fincher Craig, Louise Fincher, Michael Fincher, Melbourne Fincher, front row, David Scott Showalter, Anne Hunter Showalter, Russell Holmes Showalter, Sharon Louise Fincher.
In Albany, November 7, 1968-From left, Kelly Cheryl Myers (11/14/55), Theron P. Fincher, Lurline Wallace Fincher, ______________________, Barbara Jean Fincher Craig, Marcy Karen Myers and Sylvia Lynette Fincher Myers (4/13/25). Taken at Matthews Memorial Presbyterian Church at the funeral for Nannie Helene Hunter Fincher (12/21/1879~11/5/1968).
Tucker Family in Albany, November 7, 1968-From left, back row, Rev. Charles A. Tucker, Temple L. Tucker, middle row, Adele Fincher Tucker, Charles F. Tucker, Dorothy Tucker Winfield,, Charles W. Winfield, front, Margaret Helene Winfield (10/16/62) and Allan V. Winfield (12/28/58). Taken at Matthews Memorial Presbyterian Church at the funeral for Nannie Helene Hunter Fincher (12/21/1879~11/5/1968).
- Pickens Steele Fincher and Nannie Fincher
- Fincher Family
Far right looks like PS and Nannie
Other photos from Barbara Fincher Kelly.

Sunday, 30 November 1919