Pickens Genealogy
Welcome to a Pickens Family Home Page! The cousins supporting this page are interested in researching and sharing information about the children of Robert and Esther Pickens.
A brief note on the Pickens family:From General Andrew Pickens letter to General Lee in 1811,
"There seems to be some support for the claim that one ROBERT PICON, a Scotchman or Briton at the court of France was a Protestant who fled from Scotland in 1661 to avoid persecution of Charles II. In France he is said to have married Madam Jean Bonneau, also a Protestant. They fled France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV in 1685. Tradition continues that they went to Scotland, later to North Ireland." _Pickens Families of the South_ by E. M. Sharp, 1963
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Visit Terry McLean's excellent Pickens Database to search for ancestors and the Pickens Pipeline. .
Documents Available
- Pickens Marriages from Hardin Co. Tenn(3K)
- Notes from a Pickens/Withers Bible.(5K)
- The Pickens Family Crest.
- Confederate Service Record Index (Alphabetized by Name)
- Confederate Service Record Index (Alphabetized by State)
- Andrew Pickens and Margaret Gillespie Notes
- ElDoradoEagle news about J.D.PICKENS from Tana Morgan
Back to Mitch's home page. The Cousins wish to thank Michael Cooley, for his initial support of this home page and genealogy.org.