- Download perl from http://www.perl.com/
- What is Perl?
Perl, which stands for "Practical Extraction and Report Language", was written by Larry Wall. Its a great language for doing data manipulation tasks. Its fast, portable, and accessible.
My favorite Perl quotes:"If you toss a bunch of monkeys into a roomful of typewriters, the chances of them accidentally producing the complete works of Shakespeare are effectively nil. The chances of them producing a working Perl program, however, are actually good."
-Nicholas Petreley"If Python is executable pseudocode, then perl is executable line noise."
"Perl, the only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption." - Keith Bostic
- Running a Perl program
To run a program, type your code into a text file like, "HellowWorld.pl" and then enter this command:
perl HelloWorld.pl
- Some small programs to learn perl by example:
- HelloWorld.pl
- - Demonstrates,
"#" is a comment,
the "print" statement,
"\n" is the linefeed character.
#program HelloWorld.pl print "Hello World!\n";
- HelloWorld2.pl
- - Demonstrates:
declaring a string variable on the fly
printing a variable
#program HelloWorld2.pl $name = "Sarah"; print "Hello $name!\n";
- HelloWorld3.pl
- - Demonstrates:
Interactively reading a string from the user
the chomp() function
#program HelloWorld3.pl # this demonstrates how to read from the user and use the chomp() function print "What is your name?"; $name = <STDIN>; chomp($name); # get rid of the carriage return print "Hello $name!\n";
- HelloWorld4.pl
- - Demonstrates:
the equal operator, "eq", for strings
if-else clause
#program HelloWorld4.pl # this demonstrates the equal operator, "eq", for strings and if-else clause print "What is your name?"; $name = <STDIN>; chomp($name); # get rid of the carriage return if($name eq "Tex") { print "Howdy $name!\n"; } else { print "Hello $name!\n"; }
- PrintArgs.pl
- - Demonstrates:
The for loop
Reading arguments from the command line
Using the standard argument array, @ARGV, which is all the arguments passed in on the command line
#program PrintArgs.pl # to print all the arguments passed: $numberOfArgs = @ARGV; print "The number of arguments passed was $numberOfArgs \n"; for($i=0;$i < $numberOfArgs ; $i++) { print "argv[$i] = $ARGV[$i]\n"; }
Another form of the for loop doesn't use a counter
#program ForLoop.pl # prints all the arguments passed in on the command line print "The argument elements passed in were: \n"; for my $element ( @ARGV ) { print "$element\n"; }
- cat.pl
- - Demonstrates:
Reading from a file
#program cat.pl, a tiny program to print a file. open(MYFILE,$ARGV[0]) || die "Cannot open file \"$ARGV[0]\""; while($line = <MYFILE>) { print "${line}"; } close(MYFILE);
- WriteToFile.pl
- - Demonstrates:
Writing to a file
#program WriteToFile.pl, a tiny program to write stuff to a file. # "OUTFILE" is the name of the file handle open(OUTFILE,">test.dat") || die "Cannot open file \"test.dat\""; for($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { print OUTFILE " line $i\n"; } close(OUTFILE); print "Finished writing to \"test.dat\"";
- paste.pl
- - Demonstrates:
Checking for the right number of arguments
Opening multiple files
exit statement
#program paste.pl, a tiny program to paste the lines of one file onto another. # ie, append to line1 of file1 with line1 of file2 if( @ARGV < 2) # is less than two arguments { print "usage: paste.pl filename1 filename2"; exit 0; } # "FIRSTFILE" is the name of the file handle open(FIRSTFILE,$ARGV[0]) || die "Cannot open file \"$ARGV[0]\""; open(SECONDFILE,$ARGV[1]) || die "Cannot open file \"$ARGV[1]\""; while($line1 = <FIRSTFILE>) { $line2 = <SECONDFILE>; chomp($line1); # removes the CR/LineFeed at the end print "${line1}${line2}"; } close(FIRSTFILE); close(SECONDFILE);
- cut.pl
- - Demonstrates:
Merging contents of files
#program cut.pl, a tiny program to print only certain columns of a file if( @ARGV < 3) { print "usage: cut.pl filename StartColumn Length"; exit 0; } $StartColumn = $ARGV[1]; #needs more error checking here... $Length = $ARGV[2]; open(MYFILE,$ARGV[0]) || die "Cannot open file \"$ARGV[0]\""; while($line = <MYFILE>) { print substr($line,$StartColumn-1,$Length)."\n"; }
- List of variable type prefixes
Variable Type Character Prefix Scaler $ Array @ Hash % Subroutine & - List of special characters
Character Meaning \n newline \" double quote \r carriage Return \t tab - the substitution operator
The 'g' means 'global', all instances on the line
or to do case insensitive use the 'i' modifier:s/OldString/NewString/g
- ReplaceString.pl
using the substitution operator, s/OldString/NewString/g
#program ReplaceString.pl if( @ARGV < 2) { print "usage: ReplaceString.pl filename OldString NewString\n"; print " example: perl ReplaceString.pl intelliquest.txt "; print "IntelliQuest Kantar > kantar.txt\n"; exit 0; } $OldString = $ARGV[1]; $NewString = $ARGV[2]; open(MYFILE,$ARGV[0]) || die "Cannot open file \"$ARGV[0]\""; while($line = <MYFILE>) { $line =~ s/$OldString/$NewString/g; # the "g" means "global", all #instances on the line print STDOUT $line; }
- Replace all strings in a file from the command line
Just remember p i e
perl -p -i -e 's/oldstring/newstring/g' textfile.txt
- Search.pl
- - Demonstrates:
the matching operator, =~
the index() function to find substrings in strings
#program Search.pl, example of the matching operator, =~ if( @ARGV < 2) { print "usage: Search.pl filename SearchString\n"; print " example: Search.pl iq.txt the \n"; exit 0; } $SearchString = $ARGV[1]; #needs more error checking here... open(MYFILE,$ARGV[0]) || die "Cannot open file \"$ARGV[0]\""; $i=1; while($line = <MYFILE>) { if( $line =~ /$SearchString/i ) #does $line contain $SearchString? # /i means to ignore case { print STDOUT "$i: $line"; $StartColumn = index($line,$SearchString)+1; print " (\"$SearchString\" starts in column $StartColumn)\n"; } $i++; }
- ColumnSearch.pl
- - Demonstrates:
#program ColumnSearch.pl, shows a string only if in certain columns if( @ARGV < 4) { print "usage: ColumnSearch.pl filename SearchString StartColumn EndColumn\n"; print " example: ColumnSearch.pl sample.pst 6 20 20\n"; exit 0; } $SearchString = $ARGV[1]; $StartColumn = $ARGV[2]; $EndColumn = $ARGV[3]; $Length = $EndColumn - $StartColumn + 1; open(MYFILE,$ARGV[0]) || die "Cannot open file \"$ARGV[0]\""; $i=1; while($line = <MYFILE>) { if( substr($line,$StartColumn-1,$Length) =~ /$SearchString/ ) { print STDOUT "$i: $line"; } $i++; }
- DBConnection.pl
- - Demonstrates:
using the "|" operator to pipe output from a system command to a "psuedo-file".
#DBConnection.pl # reads a database using isql on NT with SQLServer and returns info from pubs # 1999/08/21, mitch fincher MAIN: { $SelectStatement = "SELECT au_lname,au_fname,phone FROM authors "; $DBInfo = "-H mfincher -S mfincher -d pubs"; $SQLCommand = "isql -Uguest -P\"\" $DBInfo -h-1 -s! -w5000 -Q\" set nocount on $SelectStatement \""; print $SQLCommand; open(RESULTSET, $SQLCommand ." | ") || die "cannot do a sql statement"; $i=1; while($line = <RESULTSET>) { chomp($line); $i++; ($au_lname,$au_fname,$phone) = split (/\!/,$line); $au_fname =~ s/ //g; $au_lname =~ s/ //g; $phone =~ s/[ ]*$//g; # remove only trailing blanks print "$au_fname $au_lname\'s phone number is $phone\n"; } close(RESULTSET); }
- File Handling
- open a file for writing:
open(OUTFILE, ">temp.out") || die "Cannot find temp.out"; print OUTFILE "the time has come, the walrus said,...\n"; close OUTFILE;
- open a file for appending:
open(APPENDFILE, ">> $filename") or die "Couldn't open $filename for appending: $!";
- open a file for reading:
open(INFILE, "< $filename") or die "Couldn't open $filename for reading: $!";
- read a whole file into an array and remove the linefeed
chomp(@records = <FH>);
- File test operators
Operator Meaning -e $file File exists -r $file File is readable -w $file File is writable -d $file File is a directory -f $file File is a file
if( -f "c:/autoexec.bat") { print "file exists\n"; }
- open a file for writing:
- Control Structures:
- for loop
for ($i=1; $i<10;$i++) { print "$i\n"; }
- While loop
$j=1; while($j < 10) { print "$j "; $j++; }
- If-elsif-else
$i=0; if ( $i eq 0 ) { print "$i = 0"; } elsif ( $i eq 2 ) { print "$i = 2"; } else { print "$i != 2, $i !=0"; }
- foreach loop
@names = ("Sarah", "Pam", "Mitch"); foreach $name (@names) { print "$name, "; }
- for loop
- Array Functions
- push - pushes an element onto the end of an array
push (@myarray,$lastvalue) is the same as @myarray = (@myarray,$lastvalue) - pop - pops the last value from an array. $value = pop(@myarray)
- unshift - pushes an element onto the front of an array
- shift - pops an element from the front of an array
- reverse - reverses the elements of an array
- sort - sorts array elements based on ascii values
- chomp - removes last record separator from each element
- push - pushes an element onto the end of an array
- Assign initial values to an array:
@months = ("January","February","March","April","May","June", "July","August","September","October","November","December"); or sans the quotes, @months = qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December); to use a specific element prepend it with a "$", like $months[$i].
- misc
$dir = `dir *.pl`; print $dir // backtick operator perl -e 'srand; print int(rand(100))' //kinda random generator perl -pi.bak -e "s/OLDSTRING/NEWSTRING/g" filelist // substitues string in files. # to print a header to a web browser print "Content-type: text/html\n\n
print STDOUT "Enter some text:" $mytext = <STDIN>;
rename oldfilename newfilename renames file, 1 for success, 0 otherwise to get file info: stat filehandle example:
@filestuff = stat "C:/autoexec.bat"; print "filesize=".@filestuff[7];
# how to show the current date? ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); ++$mon; # that wierd month start at zero thingy print "$mon / $mday / $year";
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); @months = ("January","February","March","April","May","June", "July","August","September","October","November","December"); $myDate = "@{months[${mon}]} ${mday}, ${year}";
to access command line arguments: $ARGV[0] is the first arg (it skips the program name) $ARGV[1] is the second arg $#ARGV is the count of arguments minus 1 Check for an argument if(@ARGV < 3) { print "usage: programname yada yada yada"; exit 0; } to create an array from parsing a string for separator tokens use "split" Example to parse the first input string for ~: @titleArray = split /~/,$ARGV[0]; to get the length of an array: $len = scalar(@titleArray); or more simply, $len = @titleArray; to convert a string to lower case mystring =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; #kinda like the unix tr command boolean tests: == != > < : tests for numerics eq ne lt gt : string to create a new directory mkdir("mydir", 0755) || die "Cannot create directory mydir: $!";
print <<'ENDOFTEXT'; any sort of text typed here will be printed. ENDOFTEXT
- Subroutine to print a file to stdout
sub print_file { local ($myfile) = @_; open(WORDSLIST, $myfile); while ($name = <WORDSLIST>) { print "$name"; } close(WORDSLIST); }
- Invoke a perl script from a perl script on windows.
Remember to put the complete path to perl.exe in front of your perl script.
result = system("C:\\Perl\\bin\\perl.exe ReplaceString.pl \"USESAMPLEMGMT=1\" \"USESAMPLEMGMT=0\" $surveyName\\$surveyName.ini"); result /= 256;
- Code fragment to change eol char to '<th>', read a line
and put the characters between <th> into an array. This
assumes one line in the input file.
$/ = '<th>'; $i = 0; while(<HEADERFILE>) { ~s/\<\/?t.\>//g; print $_."\n"; if ($_ ne "") { @fields[$i] = $_ ; ++$i; } } close(HEADERFILE); $/ = "\n"; </pre>
- CGI.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw(:standard); MAIN: { $query = new CGI; $| = 1; print $query->header('text/plain'); $Name = $query->param('Name'); print "Hello $Name"; }
- Print the arguments passed in using cgi-lib
#!/usr/bin/perl # this program just prints the name-value pairs passed to it from a form # mitch fincher 2000/07 MAIN: { require "./cgi-lib.pl" || die "Cannot find cgi-lib.pl: $!"; local(*in,$message,$command); &ReadParse(*in); print &PrintHeader; print "<html>\n<head><title>Results</title></head>\n"; print "<body>\n"; print "<h1>Submission From SimpleForm</h1>\n"; print "<h2>Variables passed in:</h2>\n"; while ( ($key, $value) = each %in) { print "$key = $value<br >\n"; } print "</body></html>"; }
- Print the environmental variables using cgi-lib
#!/usr/bin/perl # this program just prints the environmental variables available to a CGI # mitch fincher 2000/07 MAIN: { require "./cgi-lib.pl" || die "Cannot find cgi-lib.pl: $!"; local(*in); &ReadParse(*in); print &PrintHeader; print "<html>\n<head><title>Environmental Variables</title></head>\n"; print "<body>\n"; print "<h1>Environmental Variables</h1>\n"; print "<h2>Variables:</h2>\n"; while ( ($key, $value) = each %ENV) { print "$key = $value<br >\n"; } print "</body></html>"; }
- A simple search engine using cgi-lib
#!/usr/bin/perl # really basic server side search engine for finding one string of text # for all the files of a certain extention in one directory. # This file is a basis for developing a better solution. # (I'm not proud of this solution, but its a first step). # For use on windows based system using the "find" command. # by mitch(at)fincher.org MAIN: { require "./cgi-lib.pl" || die "Cannot find cgi-lib.pl: $!"; local(*in); print &PrintHeader; &ReadParse(*in); $STRING = $in{searchstring}; # this is the type of files to search $FILES2SEARCH = "*.html"; # this is the directory to search $DIR2SEARCH = "D:\\inetpub\\users\\mfincher"; print "Searching Files for \"$STRING\" ...\n<hr />"; $command = "find /I \"$STRING\" $DIR2SEARCH\\$FILES2SEARCH"; open(F, $command ." | ") || die "error"; $filename = ""; while (<F>) { chomp; if( /^---/ ) { # we hit a filename line, they start with "---" $firstone = 1; $filename = $_; $filename =~ s/.*\\//g; $filename =~ s/;//g; } elsif( length($_) < 1) { # we hit a blank line } else { if($firstone == 1) { #is this the first from this file? print "match in file <a href=\"$filename\">$filename</a>:"; } print " <xmp> $_</xmp>"; #print the line $firstone = 0; $i++; } } close(F); print "\n<hr>search complete.<br>\n"; if ( $i == 0 ) { print "Sorry, no matches found for \"$STRING\".\n"; } else { print "$i matches found for \"$STRING\"\n"; } }
- Use atoi to convert ascii strings to integers
$thisyear = ${year}.atoi + 1900;
- How to read arguments to a subroutine
A special array is created containing all the arguments called "@_". Use $_[n] to access the arguments.
CopyFile(thisFile, thatFile); ... sub CopyFile { $inFileName = $_[0]; $outFileName = $_[1]; print "\r\n inFileName = $inFileName"; print "\r\n outFileName = $outFileName"; ... }
- Show elapsed time
my $starttime=time(); #do interesting stuff here... printf "\nElapsed Time: %d seconds\n",time()-$starttime;
- To view the load directories
perl -e 'print "@INC \n";'
A good cheat sheet is at www.pcwdld.com/perl-cheat-sheet.